by John | Sep 29, 2019 | Bouguer
There has to be a point on the Earth’s surface where the effect of geology on gravity is greatest. With the sea-covered areas unlikely settings because of the low density of sea water and almost all land areas now covered to some extent by gravity surveys, it is possible to say, with a fair degree of confidence, where that place is. It is on the largest of the Bonin (or Ogasawara) Islands, Chichi-jima,
by John | Sep 23, 2019 | Ayn Rand
One result of the chaos created in the UK over the last few years by old Etonians (with some help from the alumni of other ‘public’ schools such as Dulwich and Durham) has been a renewal of calls for the dismantling of our dual approach to education,
by John | Sep 8, 2019 | Uranie
None of the crew of the Uranie deserted in Hawaii, but when the corvette left the islands at least one Frenchman was left behind. He had been there when the expedition arrived …..
by John | Aug 30, 2019 | Bouguer
In 2008 Ken Amor and a group of his colleagues from Oxford and Aberdeen universities published a reinterpretation of the Stac Fada member of the Stoer Group sediments that outcrop on Stoer beach and in some other similar localities in the northwest of Scotland....
by John | Aug 22, 2019 | Ayn Rand
So, the frenzy of the Brecon & Radnor by-election is now behind us and we can all move on. A frenzy, it has to be said, that was more apparent in the pages of the national press than it ever was here on the ground in East Radnorshire. Faced with a line-up of five of the most lack-lustre prospective MPs ever presented to voters in what was billed as a crucial by-election…
by John | Aug 10, 2019 | Uranie
Almost exactly two hundred years ago, on the 5th of August 1819, after almost two months at sea, Rose de Freycinet added a short note to her ongoing letter to her mother. At last, at last, I can see land, but what land! Before us is a mountain that Louis thinks is...