by John | Mar 11, 2022 | Uranie
The Internet is a treasure trove for the early publications on the Uranie voyage but, like all good hidden treasures, there are many obstacles to their retrieval. Digital images of the volumes of the ‘Voyage autour du Monde’ can be found, but quality is very variable and not all volumes are easy to find. There are, moreover, some issues surrounding the contents of the various volumes and their the dates of publication.
by John | Feb 28, 2022 | Bouguer
In early 1963 Australia’s Bureau of Mineral Resources, the BMR. carried out the first airborne proton magnetometer survey in the country, using the instrument designed and largely built by John Newman.
by John | Feb 20, 2022 | Uranie
Rose de Freycinet sent letters to her mother on every occasion when there was some prospect of their reaching France, up to and including the stay in Sydney. She continued to write after that, but we know this only because she mentioned sending a letter from the Falklands in her diary. A copy of a letter from her to her parennts-in-law sent at the same time has survived.
by John | Feb 12, 2022 | Ayn Rand
In one respect it seems that Ayn Rand was ahead of her time; she anticipated fracking. However, tor onshore fracking to make the UK self-sufficient in gas, some two thousand wells would have to be drilled every year. Could this be realised in our tight little island?
by John | Jan 31, 2022 | Bouguer
The availability of very detailed topographic grids has provided geologists of new ways of looking at areas. Sometimes the results can be spectacular.
by John | Jan 22, 2022 | Ayn Rand
One of the reasons that Ayn Rand was successful was that she very clearly identified the problem of cronyism, a far too close association between government and industry. Recognising the problem is easy, however. What she signally failed to do was provide any workable solution.