Ayn and Meghan
In what is still known, with unintentional irony, as the United Kingdom, we are currently enjoying the spectacle of our royal family indulging in one of its recurrent orgies of self-destruction. What would Ayn Rand have thought?
In what is still known, with unintentional irony, as the United Kingdom, we are currently enjoying the spectacle of our royal family indulging in one of its recurrent orgies of self-destruction. What would Ayn Rand have thought?
Ayn Rand would not have approved of the military take-over in Myanmar, but if ever a country actually tried to put her ideas into practice, it would surely end up in something very like the condition to which Myanmar now threatens to return.
Ayn Rand hated government, and Trump’s calls to ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington would have been music to her ears
Gilles Bourgeois, Ayn Rand’s ultimate disciple, seems to have disappeared from LinkedIn.
The one saving grace of the Trump onslaught on the US election results is that his preferred medium is still Twitter, which limits him to just a few words at a time. Ayn Rand’s heroes acknowledged no such limitation, but in his 57-page rant against government John Galt still had to acknowledge the need for a government of sorts. How to choose it? A problem he never addressed.
We have our own Ayn Rand. We have a Home Secretary cast in her image. We have Priti Patel.