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The UKs Randian wannabees

In a recent article in The Observer, Andrew Rawnsley turned his attention to the three people who are at this moment taking the UK wherever it is going (or, quite possibly, wherever its constituent nation are independently going).

Rand and race

It is often said in Ayn Rand’s favour that she was not a racist . But is that true?

Randian medicine

One thing that a pandemic does is concentrate the mind on essentials, the availability of medical care being about the most essential of all. Here in the UK most medical care is provided to most people by the National Health Service, but ‘socialized medicine’ was, of course, anathema to Ayn Rand.


My step-son lives in Torino, which means he has been on lock-down or more than a month. But he is lucky, because his flat, like most flats, even old ones, in Mediterranean countries has a balcony.


What we are now learning to call Covid-19 is taking an ever tighter grip on the world. In every country, as cases of the disease are recognised, government intervention increases. What would Ayn Rand have made of it all?

Ayn Rand and the floods

The water level in the River Lugg, a couple of hundred metres away, is now falling. Four days ago it was three to four metres above normal ….