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Field Geophysics

Field Geophysics

Field Geophysics: 4th Edition   by John Milsom & Asger Eriksen   This handy pocket-sized field guide provides practical information and assistance to anyone engaged in small-scale surveys on the ground. Fully revised and updated throughout, the Fourth...
The Hunt for Earth Gravity

The Hunt for Earth Gravity

The Hunt for Earth Gravity: A History of Gravity Measurement from Galileo to the 21st Century   by John Milsom ©2018   The author of this history of mankind’s increasingly successful attempts to understand, to measure and to map the Earth’s gravity field...
The Uranie in Guam

The Uranie in Guam

The Uranie in Guam: A surgeon, an artist, a captain and his wife in the Spanish Pacific in 1819   by John Milsom ©2019   In March 1819 the French corvette Uranie let go its anchor in Umatac Bay in southern Guam, at the half way point in what was intended to...